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Percentages-Reverse Percentages Worksheet (with solutions)


Percentages worksheet no 2 (with solutions)


Operations with Negative Numbers (integers, fractions and decimals) Worksheet (with solutions)


Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, whole number and 1 decimal place worksheet no 2


Multiplying with Negative Numbers (integers, fractions and decimals) Worksheet No 2 (with solutions)


Multiplying with Negative Numbers (integers, fractions and decimals) worksheet (with solutions)


Recurring decimals (mixed problems) worksheet (with detailed solutions)


Percentages Using A Ratio Table worksheet (with solutions)


Ratio and Proportion-Percentages Worksheet (with solutions)


Percentage Word Problems Worksheet (with solutions)


Solving Proportions Worksheet (with solutions)


Ratio and Proportion Worksheet (with solutions)


Powers of Fractions Worksheet (with solutions)


Powers of Integers Worksheet (with solutions)


Recurring Decimals Worksheet No 2 (with solutions
