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Interior and Exterior Angles in Triangles and Polygons Bundle

A collection of three worksheets on the following topics:

* Sum of angles in a triangle: a worksheet on evaluating the third angle in a triangle given the other two using the fact that their sum is 180 degrees

* Exterior Angles of a Triangle: a worksheet on the exterior angles of a triangle. The exercises require to use the fact that an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two interior opposite angles. 

* Interior and exterior angles in regular polygons: a worksheet on calculate the interior and exterior angle sum of regular polygons and the measure of each interior and each exterior angle of regular polygons.

Detailed solutions are provided.




Bundle Includes

Here are all the products that are included in your bundle

Interior and exterior angles in regular polygons worksheet (with solutions)


Exterior Angles of a Triangle Worksheet (with solutions)


Sum of angles in a triangle worksheet (with solutions)
